MVExtension.vb – AD, openLDAP and IIS

This is a simple MVExtension, written for a demonstration. It creates an account in AD, openLDAP, and a personal webspace in IIS. (For the rest of the IIS process see StaffWebsites_CSExtension.vb.)

Normally I would use MVRouter to split the provisioning for seperate MAs into different dlls.


Imports Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices

Public Class MVExtensionObject
Implements IMVSynchronization

Const ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT As Integer = &H200
Const ADS_UF_DISABLED_ACCOUNT As Integer = &H202
Const OU_NAME_AD As String = "OU=Staff,DC=frogsinc,DC=ch"
Const OU_NAME_OPENLDAP As String = "ou=People,dc=my-domain,dc=com"
Const MA_NAME_AD As String = "AD"
Const MA_NAME_OPENLDAP As String = "openLDAP"
Const MA_NAME_STAFFWEBSITES As String = "StaffWebsites"
Const INITIAL_PASSWORD As String = "Passw0rd"

Public Sub Initialize() Implements IMVSynchronization.Initialize
  ' TODO: Add initialization code here
End Sub

Public Sub Terminate() Implements IMVSynchronization.Terminate
  ' TODO: Add termination code here
End Sub

Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision
  Dim rdn As String
  Dim ADMA As ConnectedMA
  Dim StaffWebsitesMA As ConnectedMA
  Dim openLDAPMA As ConnectedMA
  Dim numConnectors As Integer
  Dim myConnector As CSEntry
  Dim csentry As CSEntry
  Dim dn As ReferenceValue

  ' Ensure that the cn attribute is present.
  If Not mventry("cn").IsPresent Then
    Throw New UnexpectedDataException("cn attribute is not present.")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' ** AD **
  ' Determine the container and relative distinguished name
  ' of the new connector space entry.
  rdn = "CN=" & mventry("cn").Value
  ADMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs(MA_NAME_AD)
  dn = ADMA.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(OU_NAME_AD)

  numConnectors = ADMA.Connectors.Count

  ' If there is no connector present, create a new connector.
  If 0 = numConnectors Then
    csentry = ADMA.Connectors.StartNewConnector("user")
    csentry.DN = dn
    csentry("userAccountControl").IntegerValue = ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT

  ElseIf 1 = numConnectors Then
    ' Check if the connector has a different DN and rename if necessary.
    ' Get the connector.
    myConnector = ADMA.Connectors.ByIndex(0)
    If myConnector.DN.ToString.ToLower <> dn.ToString.ToLower Then
      myConnector.DN = dn
    End If

    Throw New UnexpectedDataException("multiple connectors:" + numConnectors.ToString)
  End If

  ' ** openLDAP **
  ' Determine the container and relative distinguished name
  ' of the new connector space entry.
  rdn = "CN=" & mventry("uid").Value
  openLDAPMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs(MA_NAME_OPENLDAP)
  dn = openLDAPMA.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat(OU_NAME_OPENLDAP)

  numConnectors = openLDAPMA.Connectors.Count

  ' If there is no connector present, create a new connector.
  If 0 = numConnectors Then
    csentry = openLDAPMA.Connectors.StartNewConnector("inetOrgPerson")
    csentry.DN = dn
    csentry("cn").Value = mventry("uid").Value

  ElseIf 1 = numConnectors Then
    ' Check if the connector has a different DN and rename if necessary.
    ' Get the connector.
    myConnector = openLDAPMA.Connectors.ByIndex(0)
    If myConnector.DN.ToString.ToLower <> dn.ToString.ToLower Then
      myConnector.DN = dn
    End If

    Throw New UnexpectedDataException("multiple connectors:" + numConnectors.ToString)
  End If

  ' ** StaffWebsites **
  StaffWebsitesMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs(MA_NAME_STAFFWEBSITES)
  Dim csWebsite As CSEntry
  numConnectors = StaffWebsitesMA.Connectors.Count
  If mventry("website").Value.ToLower = "yes" AndAlso numConnectors = 0 Then
    csWebsite = StaffWebsitesMA.Connectors.StartNewConnector("website")
    csWebsite("alias").Value = mventry("uid").Value
  ElseIf mventry("website").Value.ToLower = "no" AndAlso numConnectors = 1 Then
  ElseIf mventry("website").Value.ToLower = "yes" AndAlso numConnectors = 1 Then
    csWebsite = StaffWebsitesMA.Connectors.ByIndex(0)
    If csWebsite("alias").Value.ToLower <> mventry("uid").Value.ToLower Then
      csWebsite("alias").Value = mventry("uid").Value
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Public Function ShouldDeleteFromMV(ByVal csentry As CSEntry, ByVal mventry As MVEntry) As Boolean Implements IMVSynchronization.ShouldDeleteFromMV
  ' TODO: Add MV deletion code here
  Throw New EntryPointNotImplementedException()
  End Function

End Class