Installing FIM R2 Reporting against Sytem Center 2012 R2 and SQL 2012

I’ve just installed FIM R2 reporting in an environment that had an existing System Center Data Warehouse infrastructure based on SC 2012 R2 and SQL 2012. I had a couple of problems along the way so here are the troubleshooting notes.

System Center Service Manager Console Not Installed

I got an error right after entering the name of the Management Server during the installation of Reporting: “Some required components are not installed on this computer. Please refer to the latest Forefront Identity Manager Service and Portal deployment guide for Reporting and install the required components before continuing.” The title of the box was “System Center Service Manager Console Not Installed”.

As I was installing this in the three server mode (SCSM and SCDW on seperate servers to the FIM Service) I had missed the requirement to install the SCSM Console on the FIM Server. I installed this from the SCSM installation media.

System Center Service Manager update Not Installed

“The System Center Service Manager update (KB2561430) is not installed on this computer. Please make sure you install this update on the console, management server, and data warehouse machines before continuing.”

This one was fixed in a FIM hotfix, so I just installed the latest version and all was good.

Thanks to David Steadman for this info:

The term ‘Get-SCDWJob’ is not recognized

The next problem was with running the script FIMPostInstallScriptsForDataWarehouse.ps1 on the SCDW server.

It turns out that SC 2012 R2 no longer has the SMCmdletSnapIn, which has been replaced by a Module. In addition SQL 2012 doesn’t use the snapins loaded in the script.

PowerShell was clever enough to load the SQL module automatically when the first SQL cmdlet was called, so all I had to do to the script was comment out the SQL snapins. For SC I needed to replace the Add-PSSnapin line with an Import-Module. Once I made these changes the script ran correctly.

function Install-Sql-Server-Snapins
 #add-pssnapin $SQLServerCmdletsSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
 #add-pssnapin $SQLServerProviderSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
function Install-Service-Manager-Snapin
 #add-pssnapin $ServiceManagerSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
 import-module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Manager\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Warehouse.Cmdlets.dll'

Thanks to Brian Desmond for help with this!

Transform.Common job failing

No data appears in the FIM reports until the following three Data Warehouse jobs have run (in order shown):

  • Extract_DWName
  • Transform.Common
  • Load.Common

My Transform.Common job  said “Failed”. Looking through the list of tasks I could see that TransformEntityRelatesToEntityFact and TransformEntityManagedTypeFact had failed. Looking in the Operations Manager event log on the SCDW server I could see they both failed with this message: “Cannot find either column “ETL” or the user-defined function or aggregate “ETL.CanContinueExecution”, or the name is ambiguous.”

Luckily for me others have had this problem before. The creation of the missing SQL function as proposed by Dimitar S on this thread sorted out the problem for me:

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