FIM Best Practice: Create single function Workflows

As much as possible I like to keep my Workflows simple with a minimum number of steps. When updating attributes I prefer, wherever possible, to only update a single attribute per Workflow Definition. So for example I’ll have separate Workflows for “Set DisplayName” and “Set AccountName” rather than rolling the two together in a single…

FIM Best Practice: Sort out errors

Both in the Sync Service and the Portal there may be regular error messages that we just live with. We’ve figured out they’re “low priority” or perhaps they’re false alerts, where FIM thinks there’s an error but the end result is fine. However, as much as possible, we should aim for a system that runs…

Authorization after an Action

Something that has come up from time to time on the FIM forum is the need to trigger an AuthZ workflow based on some change made by an Action workflow (or by the Sync Service). This is not possible in the FIM Service today and I don’t see any evidence that it will be possible in the…

Event Broker for FIM 2010

Unify Solutions have a bunch of great add-on products for FIM 2010 and, now I’m working here, I have a chance to find out more about them. The first one I’ve been playing with is the FIM Event Broker, which is essentially a task scheduler for FIM Sync, with all sorts of great features like…